Advanced Distribution Management System

Advanced Distribution Management System

  • Creating a platform for real-time grid monitoring

    ADMS is a cutting-edge software platform that will completely transform the way we can serve our customers. 与adm, we’ll be able to monitor and optimize control of our electric distribution system 实时地. This means faster outage restorations, a grid that’s ready for batteries, 电动汽车, 以及其他新技术, and increased efficiency to support cleaner energy.



  • Flexible lighting solutions that save money and energy

    智能街道照明 gives you more choice in how you illuminate your roads and communities. Customers who partner with us on these installations benefit from PSE的 ability to monitor and control each light remotely, 实时地, and make adjustments whenever needed to meet their local priorities. Lights can be instantly turned on and off or dimmed for benefits like energy conservation or reducing light pollution at night. +, the ability to monitor each light’s performance means broken and failing lights can be quickly identified and repaired. 最重要的是, because Smart Street Lights can operate more efficiently, they’re good for optimizing your energy use and reducing carbon in our environment.


    Turning a traditional street light into a “smart” one is a pretty easy process; it’s simply a matter of installing a control module onto an existing light. Each module communicates to PSE via a wireless network and allows us to dim or brighten lights remotely, 测量能源使用情况, and track the condition of the light (e.g., if the light has failed or is damaged).

    Communities interested in Smart Street Lights and other PSE lighting options can visit



  • Showcasing a better energy future

    PSE的 太阳能电池拖车 is designed to be a rolling ambassador for showcasing 电网现代化 technology and PSE的 commitment to exploring new energy solutions for customers. The trailer features a big-screen TV that’s powered by battery storage and rooftop 太阳能电池板.

    If you see our trailer at community events, we hope you’ll stop by to say hello! You can learn more about our initiatives, charge your phone with stored energy from our 太阳能电池板, and answer “Quiz Wheel” questions in exchange for prizes. (Hint: everyone gets a prize, just for participating)


    In addition to spreading the word about our 电网现代化 efforts, the 太阳能电池拖车 shows how innovative technology can be adapted to address unique customer needs. 例如, using batteries to store a trailer’s 太阳能电池板 can provide portable, off-grid power during an outage.



  • Applying cutting-edge technology to community needs

    PSE的 concept of a 生活实验室 seeks to explore cutting-edge energy technology, test different applications in combination, and tailor 电网现代化 strategies to meet individual community needs. What will the community of the future look like, energy-wise? Bringing that vision to life is the goal of our 生活实验室 initiatives.


    Since 生活实验室 is about adapting cutting-edge technology to fit a community’s unique needs, no two projects will be the same. Depending on the scenario, a living lab could include battery storage, 电动汽车充电器, 太阳能电池板, 智能街道照明 and thermostats, just to name a handful of options! 生活实验室 is also about testing technology to increase our knowledge base, 构建专业知识, and evaluate how various technologies work best together.



  • A flexible grid to meet a growing demand

    Each day, more and more of our customers are purchasing 电动车(EV), which means a growing number will also be charging them and adding to the demand on our grid. That’s why our 电网现代化 strategy includes infrastructure improvements that will provide flexible, reliable service for our EV customers – no matter where and when you charge!

    PSE的 Up & 去电 Vehicle Program 也使它更容易 自己的 电动汽车, offering test drive events, 在线计算器, 收取小费, answers to frequently asked questions, 还有更多.

    访问 Up & 去电