
节约能源并不一定是一个挑战, 只存1个,000千瓦时意味着从你的能源账单上节省100美元, 因此,即使是很小的改变也能节省很多钱. PSE has many programs designed specifically to help offset the cost of upgrading your business to be more energy-efficient 和 we encourage you to check them out at clarasport.net/mybusiness.

与此同时, 让你的企业开始节能之旅, here are some simple low- 和 no-cost tips to help put energy savings back in your pocket 和 boost your bottom line. 探索下面的部分,了解如何开始控制你的能源账单.

  • 行为和操作

    这似乎令人惊讶, 但是简单的行为和日常操作的改变可以节省大量的能源. 这里有一些建议.

    • The easiest way to reduce energy use is to make sure that equipment is turned off when it’s not needed. 在正常工作时间之外去你的办公大楼看看温度, 灯光和声音找到减少不必要的能源使用的方法.
    • Create a checklist or recruit volunteers as energy 监控 to ensure equipment 和 thermostats are set correctly when you open 和 before closing.
    • 许多电子产品即使关机也会耗电. Stop this wasted energy with an advanced power strip to shut off plugged-in devices such as printers, 监控, 电脑外围设备, 饮水机和咖啡机.
    • 最常见的办公设备, 比如电脑和打印机, have energy-management software that should be utilized to reduce your equipment’s energy use by as much as half, 每年节省高达75美元.
    • 许多商店有电子显示器,即使商店关门了也还开着. Consider shutting off the displays during closed hours, either manually or with simple timers.
    • 冷藏自动售货机通常24小时不间断运行. Timers or occupancy sensors can yield significant savings because they allow the machines to turn on only when a customer is present or when the compressor must run to maintain the product at the desired temperature.
    • 当需要更换或增加设备时,考虑一下 能源之星®认证的型号. Efficient models are available across more than 60 products from telephones to vending machines.
  • 采暖、通风、制冷

    也被称为“暖通空调”, 这是典型企业(不包括餐饮服务)中能源消耗最多的地方。. 这些操作可以帮助减轻这种负担.

    • 减少能源使用,避免昂贵的维修费用, 让专业人士每年为你的供暖和制冷系统进行维修.
    • Clean or replace your furnace or heat pump filters regularly throughout the heating season — about every two months.
    • 在踢脚板和壁式取暖器前保持区域, 房间登记簿和回风烤架清洁干净,没有任何阻挡气流的物体.
    • 很多能量可以从门周围的缝隙中逸出, 在装货码头, 进出冷藏空间. 定期检查并密封门封的缝隙,确保员工保持门关闭.
    • 在温暖的天气里, blinds can block direct sunlight 和 reduce cooling needs; in the winter, 打开朝南窗户的百叶窗,让阳光进入,帮助加热空间.
    • Make sure your heating 和 cooling temperatures are coordinated with when the building is occupied each quarter. 可编程恒温器可以使温度挫折一个可靠的选择. Setting the 暖通空调 system back or turning it off one hour before closing should be enough to meet your business needs through the end of the day.
    • 确保仓库的暖通空调设置, 办公室和其他周边房间都是最低设置. 如果你有脚板加热器, turn the thermostat down or off in unoccupied rooms 和 close the door (do not do this if you have a furnace or heat pump).
    • 窗式空调是耗能大户. Consider installing a timer to shut the unit off when you’re not there 和 turn it back on 30 minutes before you expect to return.
    • Check heating 和 cooling system condenser coils as debris can collect 和 cause higher bills. 每月掸掉这些线圈上的灰尘, 在降温季节的开始和结束时彻底清洗盘管.

    有关PSE各种暖通空调项目的更多信息,请访问 clarasport.net/commercialhvac.

  • 照明

    照明 upgrades help make your workspace look bright 和 inviting 和 often offer the fastest payback for your investment.

    • 用DesignLights Consortium (DLC)代替白炽灯或 能源之星合格发光二极管 (LED)灯泡和固定装置,特别是在你最常用的地方. LED bulbs use at least 80 percent less energy while lasting up to 25 years longer than inc和escent bulbs.
    • 选择合适的灯泡 每个房间. LED灯泡有多种形状, 大小, 亮度和色温,以适应几乎所有的灯具.
    • Clean lighting fixtures 和 bulbs to ensure that they continue to perform as designed 和 provide acceptable light levels for workers to perform their tasks.
    • Take advantage of daylighting where possible to reduce the need for electric light 和 improve the ambience of the space. Daylighting controls can make this easier by adding automation for window blinds 和 lights.
    • 在洗手间等经常无人使用的地方安装照明传感器, 储藏区或休息室.

    有关PSE提供的具体照明项目的更多信息,请访问 clarasport.net/commerciallighting.

  • 注意你的用水量可能会影响到你的多个水电费账单, 包括水, 下水道, 电, 还有天然气.

    • 滴0的冷水漏.每分钟2加仑会浪费超过100加仑,每年消耗1000加仑,仅浪费的水就花费了700美元. A similar-sized hot water leak can cost as much as $1,700 for wasted water 和 energy every year. Combine that with the additional wastewater/下水道 costs 和 those leaks should quickly become a top priority.
    • 考虑在不需要健康或安全的地方降低热水器的温度. 对于一般用水,温度设定点120°F通常就足够了.
    • 低流量水龙头和莲蓬头, 以及水槽和淋浴控制器,自动关闭, 能帮助节约用水和用于加热水的能源吗.
    • 使用自动关闭水龙头, single-temperature fittings 和 low-flow showerheads with pause control to reduce hot-water waste in bathrooms 和 fitness rooms.
    • 水 fountains generally don’t need to provide ice-cold water 24 hours a day unless it is required for health reasons. 在大多数情况下,你可以关闭饮水机的冷却系统.
  • 餐饮和住宿设施

    知道你在餐馆或酒店的每一块钱都花在哪里是很重要的, 和 your utility bill may seem like a surprising place to look for savings that can greatly impact your bottom line. 在餐馆里, each utility dollar saved equates to $20 in food sales you can use literally anywhere else without changing labor, 伙食费或其他固定费用. 采取下面的一些步骤,这些节省和利润将真正开始累积起来.

    • Develop a checklist of any energy- saving activities for your staff (like turning off lights, 调回恒温器, turning equipment on 和 off) 和 put the GM or kitchen manager in charge of the checklist. 对你的团队负责.
    • 在厨房里, 设备在需要预热前,应开机预热不超过15分钟. Reducing the operating time of kitchen appliances can cut cooking-related energy consumption (which makes up over half of your natural gas bill) by up to 60 percent.
    • 空转设备会让你花钱. 关掉各种各样的东西真的会累加起来. 看看这些年度数据:
      • 炸锅大约有75%的时间处于闲置状态. 只要把油炸锅关掉四个小时,就能省下150美元. 有备用炸锅吗? 除非你绝对需要,否则关掉它可以节省900美元!
      • 关掉你的肉鸡一小时可以节省400美元.
      • 晚上关掉高温洗碗机可以节省500美元.
    • 而不是反复修理设备, 在他们最终失败之前, 了解PSE的折扣,以便您可以在紧急情况下做好准备. 的回扣, 增加了能源和水的节约, can help pay for the upgraded equipment 和 you’ll continue to save money for years on your utility bill as they operate.
    • 优化制冷系统:
      • 将冰箱温度设置在35°到38°F之间,冰柜温度设置在-14°到-8°F之间. 设置过低会浪费能量,所以要定期检查.
      • Inspect 和 replace worn seals 和 gaskets on refrigerator doors 和 inspect the door closers for proper operation.
      • 当门打开时,步入式单元会失去冷空气. 在门上安装条形窗帘可以阻挡冷空气(但它们必须到达地板)。. 一间250平方英尺的步入式公寓,只要加上条形窗帘,每年就能节省300多美元.
    • 正确的预冲洗喷雾器可以节省你的能源和水. Many sprayers use up to 5 gallons per minute (gpm), but low-flow sprayers limit the flow rate to 1.6 GPM同时增加压力, 还能给你所需的清洁能力,同时还能省钱. Low-flow sprayers are a minimal investment with a typical payback of less than two months.
    • Lodging-specific小贴士:
      • 走廊的灯是全天候亮着的. Maximize skylights 和 daylighting where possible or simply dim them to 30 percent during daytime hours.
      • Instruct front desk staff to book rooms in clusters to maximize heating 和 cooling benefits. 上角, summer-west -, 和 winter-north-facing rooms can be the most energy-intensive to heat 和/or cool so consider booking those last.
      • Provide guests options to forego daily linen changes 和 remind them with placards to turn off appliances, 与他们分享这些步骤是如何帮助你的业务和/或环境的.
      • Computer 监控, both at the front desk 和 in business centers, can waste energy if left on. 更新这些“睡眠”设置每年可以为每个显示器节省10到30美元, 整台电脑的设置甚至高达每年45美元.
      • 下班后盖上泳池和热水浴缸的盖子,以限制热量的流失. 这可以节省50%到70%的设备能源消耗, 所需化妆水的30%到50%, 所需化学物质的35%到60%.

    有关PSE提供的餐饮服务和住宿计划的更多信息,请访问 clarasport.net/foodservice 和 clarasport.net/lodging.

  • 景观

    节能绿化 降低每年的能源成本. 它提高了加热和冷却系统的效率, 保护你的家园, 并减少水和维护费用.

    • Selecting the correct species 和 site is crucial when planting new trees or other vegetation. 考虑靠近公用线路和限制区域,并咨询我们的 推荐名单 合适的选择. 如有疑问,请发电子邮件 vegetationmanagement@clarasport.net 或致电1-888-225-5773.
    • 种植前先查明地下燃气、电气设施,防止危害. 挖掘前请致电811与公用事业通知中心联系.
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